-Make a seperate email for survey sites. When you complete offers the advertisers will probably send you junk emails. You wouldn't want this junk to clog up your real email address, so just make a seperate address.
-- Use different, valid e-mail addresses. In some companies they wont credit you for more than 1 of their surveys unless you have used a different e-mail address for each of their offers/surveys. You can use the same e-mail if you're doing offers from several different companies, but if you do more than 1 from a specific company, it is good to use different e-mails.
An easy way to get around this is by doing this.
Create a general e-mail such as jboi993@gmail.com When filling out different surveys you can use this same e-mail with periods added.
jbo.i993@gmail.com etc etc.
All messages will be sent to jboi993@gmail.com Pretty neat little trick.
- Clear your cookies between offers/surveys. To do this, in IE go to Tools ---> Internet Options ---> Delete ---> Delete cookies. In Firefox, go to Tools ---> Options ---> Cookies ---> Clear Cookies. Or you can just download CCleaner which clears your cookies.
- Complete the offer/survey in FULL. You cannot just open up the survey and fill out 1 page and then submit it for approval. You must complete it in it's entirety. It should be pretty obvious when the survey has ended. There might be a page that says "Thank you for participating", "Congratulations", "Thank you, your information has been received", or it may ask to confirm your email adress.
- Check your email for confirmation emails. Some companies, send you an email to validate your email address. The offer you completed will not credit unless you confirm your email.
Completing offers quickly
- Download Roboform. This progam is very VERY useful. It fills out all your information (name, adress, email, gender, age, etc) with the click of a button.
-Another neat trick with Roboform is bubbling in all of the "No's" in a survey. Sometimes you are presented with a long list of yes/no questions and to simply bubble in all "No's" hold Alt and press +. Saves you a lot of time on offers.
If you are still having difficulty or have any questions, please feel free to contact me at the following: