Senin, 09 Mei 2011

Summer jobs? Who needs 'em!

As a teenager I know first hand that it can be extremely difficult to land a summer job. If you dont start applying places by March then the likelyhood of you working somewhere is slim to none. I was really busy with school so I didn't have a chance to turn in some applications until just a couple days ago this year. And I bet you can guess the response I got from most managers. "I'm sorry we're not looking to hire right now, but I can take your application and I'll contact you if anything becomes available." Bullshit. I get told that all the time, but no one ever calls me back. Luckily, a friend of mine was able to talk to his boss and I'm going to work a job cutting lawns and picking up trash throughout the city.

BUT, most of you won't get off as easily as I did. You may end up not getting a job and before you know it, your friends are going to concerts, seeing movies, basically having fun with the money that they have earned working. That leaves you alone, broke, and being the loner who talks to their pet turtle all day.

I have a solution though for you lonely souls though! You can actually make a decent amount of money online. Shocking right? I didn't believe it at first either, but as checks started to arrive at my house my skepticism slowly but surely went away. Check out my highest earning check from cashcrate if you don't believe me! It truly is very easy. And I'm not some Internet scammer, I'm a high school senior who lives in the suburbs of Detroit and loves to earn money. I do all sorts of odd jobs; babysitting, landscaping, painting, dog walking... making money online is just another way I supplement my income. So if you don't have a job this summer or are a teen who just wants to make some extra money, check out some of the top PTC sites I have recommended above. You won't be disappointed.

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