Senin, 03 Juni 2013

How College Students Can Make Thousands Reselling Items on Ebay

I'm sure that most of you reading this have either bought or sold something on Ebay at some point in your life. Whether you wanted to get rid of your old Xbox 360 or were in the market for a cheap iPhone, Ebay offered you a system that had exactly what you were looking for. An easy to use, multi-billion dollar platform that allows you to buy and sell items with ease. Recently, I came across an article stating that people were becoming millionaires through Ebay. Although most of those people probably have their own store and products to sell, I thought that there could be an easy way around the fact that I don't have a product to sell. I did some research and lo and behold I came across "Ebay Reselling." Ebay Reselling is exactly what you think it is. You buy a product with hopes that you can turn around and sell those products for even more money on Ebay. You may not think that it could work, but if you have an eye for cheap products and an ability to act fast then you can make some serious coin. Here are some methods to get you started:

1.) allows you to search Ebay for misspelled listings. For example, the first thing I searched on Fat Fingers was the clothing brand, Lacoste. It took me to Ebay and gave me listings for the items (laciste, lacosse, lacosste, laccoste, laoste, lacote, and lactose). Clearly, none of those are how you spell "Lacoste" yet I was given page upon page of Lacoste clothing with little to no bids. I quickly recognized a nice pullover, brand new with tags, with a starting bid of $19.99. I knew that the pullover was worth more than that so I placed a bid, won the item, and was able to resell the pullover on Ebay a week later with the correct spelling for $45. Not too bad! Now, I've heard of people finding cheap phones and selling them for 10x profit so as long as you keep your eyes open you can make some serious cash with this method. Electronics and brand name clothing seem to work best.

2.) Dollar Stores, Garage Sales
Yard sales, dollar stores, auctions, flee markets, friends and relatives along with countless others are home to cheap, cheap, cheap products. Buy low and sell high. Something bought for 99 cents at a garage sale can usually easily net you $5, if not more on Ebay. A good example of this is my mother who bought an antique lamp at a yard sale for $10. I was able to turn around and sell that lamp on Ebay for $130! Plus, the good things about yard sales if that you will usually be able to haggle your way into a price that the seller would normally not agree too, yet they are more often than not just looking to get rid of their items, so they will oblige.

3.) Craigslist
Just like buying things on Ebay and selling them on Ebay, a lot of people succeed at making money online by buying products on Craiglist then selling them through Ebay. An example I have for you is concert tickets. If a hot artist or a band is coming to town in a few months you can usually find very cheap tickets on Craigslist. Then a few weeks before the show, put the tickets on Ebay and you can usually double your money. This works visa versa for buying on Ebay and selling on Craigslist.

Dont be discouraged if you don't succeed at first. Ebay is full of profit as long as you find the right products to buy and resell. It is extremely possible to earn hundreds if not thousands of dollars this week alone as long as you have an effective strategy. is a fantastic place to start. Good luck in your endeavors to make money online teens and college students and let me know how your efforts go!

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