Kamis, 10 Oktober 2013

Make Money Online By Growing Your Social Media

Being a blogger and attempting to make money online as a teen can be a tricky subject. Add attempting to get a steady flow of loyal readers on top of that and you've got yourself an even harder obstacle to tackle. If you're looking for an extremely effective way to add readers on top of your search engine optimization efforts, social media is the way to go. In the beginning of the 21st century, social media has seen an incredible boom. To think that Facebook was launched less than 10 years ago and already has close to 1.5 billion users is mind boggling.  What better way to capture readers than to use those stats to your advantage. Here are 5 tips to keep in mind when using social media to boost your blog:

1.) Give people reasons to follow you
If you feel like your in a rut give your followers something fresh, something new. Nothing is worse than drawing in readers with interesting status updates, then completely dropping the ball and forgetting to post for a month...and by that time all your new followers are probably gone. So stay on top of your social media, don't forget to post and when you do, give your followers reasons to follow you.

2.) Start Conversations
Encourage your readers to leave comments and actually respond to them! You don't want your readers to think your account is simply a robot, but instead a real person with real emotions that has actual conversations with readers. By doing this you will build steady relationships with your readers and they will be more likely to share your posts via Facebook, Tumblr, Twitter, etc.

3.) Don't be afraid to try new platforms
When I first started my social media efforts I stuck to the two biggest ones, Facebook and Twitter. Now believe me, I had incredible success using those two than before I did. However, once I began using other platforms such as Tumblr, Google Plus and Pinterest I found that I was receiving more traffic than ever. Keep in mind though that you should never sway away from Facebook and Twitter as those are by far the most popular, but by using others as a supplement to those two is the idea I'm trying to get at. Just be open to new programs that often come out!

4.) Stay on top of current trends
Adding on to the last tip, make sure that you consistently put in an avid effort to stay on top of the latest trends in social media. You don't want to find your marketing plan come to an end at Facebook and Twitter while another new platform is expanding at an astounding rate and you are left picking your nose. Instead, be open to new ideas and be creative with your efforts, however, ensure that you always have your blogs reader's best interest in mind and aren't just trying to flood your website with the wrong type of visitors.

5.) Understand your target audience
By understanding your target audience, your status updates will reach more people in a more effective method. For example, this blog is catered towards teens and college students trying to make money online. Do you think a good post would be about how to raise and care for your child? I think you know the answer. How about a post on the latest methods to monetize your blog? Perfect! Make posts that your followers will want to read or else you will just find yourself losing readers faster than you can say "oh no."

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