Rabu, 30 September 2009

Why are referrals so beneficial to making money online as a teen?

As a teen, I know that it can be very tough to get a job in the current economic situation. Adults without a job are taking anything that pays, including part-time jobs like being a waiter, fast food joints, etc. That's why teens everywhere have been flocking to get paid to sites like mad for the past couple of years. There is a lot of money to be made in the industry, and if you have the will and knowledge to do so then you could be making that money.

Referrals. Why do people talk about them so much? What are they? People consistenly ask questions about them and if they are beneficial. I will tell you right now; if you are planning to make a lot of money online then you have to figure out a way to get as many of them as possible. Having a large referral base allows teens to to making thousands of dollars online with minimal work.

For example, lets say I refer a member to CashCrate and that member makes $20, I earn about 30% of that which is $6.66. I also earn a $1 bonus, so in total I earn about $7.66 from only one member I referred. Now, say I refer ten people to CashCrate and they all complete $20.00 in offers. I now earn $76.60 just from those ten referrals. You get the idea.

Now that you know how beneficial referrals are, it's now time to start getting them. Here are a couple ideas for you, also check out my post How to Get Referrals For Paid Survey Sites for more ideas.

-Make a blog!

-Tell your friends and family

-Handing or fliers/business cards

-Make a video

-Post an ad to online classified sites

Now that you have some ideas, I suggest you go out and put them to the test. However, don't expect to start making hundreds of referrals today alone. It takes time, effort and persistance in order to get a large referral base.

I have mentioned before and I will mention again that the best way to get referrals is to make a blog/website and post unique articles that are helpful to people. Don't expect to make a blog, throw up a couple crappy posts and start earning the big bucks. Teens always look for the easy way out, and with this method you have to post your own articles or else your blog will go no where. I have had this blog for about three months and it is still gets nowhere near the amount of visitors that I think it should get.

However, I'm not going to give up and I know that it will eventually be making me more and more money.

Well good luck to all you teens, stay off the streets and go out and get referrals!!

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