Rabu, 02 September 2009

How to make some extra money for school as a teen

School is coming soon (too soon) for all of us. With school comes all of the essential items that us teens need to have, from clothes, to ipods and textbooks. But, in the current economic situation jobs are few and far between. In this post I will show you how to make some money for school as a teen.

If you are looking for a legitimate after school job, then I suggest you check out SnagAJob.com. It is the best place to find part-time and full-time jobs in your city and it is completely free to join. You can find a job pretty fast, at places like Lowes, Taco Bell, Sports Authority, etc. SnagAJob.com is a great site and they have many job opportunities available for teens.

However, if you do not have time for the above method than I suggest that you resort to making some extra money online. Check out IMReportCard and read some reviews on paid online surveys sites. You can find a site that pays great, has great customer service and has an awesome referral system. CashCrate is the best survey site out there in my opinion, but if you are looking to join some other ones, do some research, I guarantee you can find some amazing ones on IMReportCard. 

Like most of you I spend countless hours on the Internet when I am bored, doing the dumbest things. I still do that, just now I spend about an hour a day on paid online survey sites and get some big checks in the mail in exchange. My friends constantly ask me where I am getting all of this money from, since I have been making a lot with paid online survey sites.

With all the stresses that school can bring to a teen, it can be pretty satisfying to receive a check in the mail each month, even if it's only for $20. Making money with paid online survey sites is a 100% legitimate way to make money online and it is perfect for teens. Check out my CashCrate proof of payment check for $476.55 if you do not believe me.
All in all, it is not hard to make money online as a teen and it can be pretty exciting to get checks in the mail. School is starting very soon and it's a good idea to have some extra spending money in your pockets.

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