Kamis, 16 Juni 2011

Article Marketing Works

How to get traffic to your website? That is the common question that has plagued many internet marketers for years. Some websites magically get thousands of visitors a day while others struggle to get 5, let alone 1000. There are many services you can pay to use that will send related traffic to your website, but that usually costs a good amount of money, money that I don’t have. See, you’re probably like me, broke and looking to find the most bang for your buck with the smallest amount of effort. However, with today’s internet there are nerds that are working crazy amounts of hours on SEO to better get a website seen. Now I don’t know about you, but I don’t have that much time to work on making money online. If only there was a way to get traffic without that much time or exertion…

I can tell you though with certainty that one of the best methods to gain backlinks and traffic to your website remains to be article marketing. It relatively takes a small amount of your effort and best of all it’s free. Submitting articles is a proven method of advertising, which builds the credibility, brand, search engine ranking, traffic, and long-term growth and stability of your business. Now sure it may be boring and a little repetitive, but even if you submit 2 unique articles a week to ezinearticles or goarticles, then that’s only about an hour a week. If those articles are well written and have good keywords then there are two articles that have a high possibility of being on page 1 of google for those keywords. That means more traffic for you.

By linking your websites URL in the authors box, you are gaining a backlink from that link and traffic from those who click on it. The more high quality backlinks you have coming to your site from other sites will determine how relevant your site is to search engines and people. It’s a win-win situation.

A great ebook that describes how you can utilize article marketing to its highest potential is The Tireless Traffic Technique. It is fairly inexpensive and gave me a lot of good insight into a topic that I knew little about. Read it, continue to educate yourself and make some money.

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