Rabu, 06 Agustus 2014

What Is Ebates and Why You Should Begin Using It

In the passed few weeks I have discovered an amazing, FREE website called Ebates. This website allows its users to receive cash back for shopping at a variety of stores. These merchants pay Ebates to refer customers to their stores and in turn you receive a chunk of cash back that you spent at that store. It's an incredibly easy way to make money online!

It's completely free to sign-up and when you sign up you are eligible for a $10 gift card at one of their sponsored stores. Some of the stores that you can receive cash back with are:

Nordstrom: 6% Cash Back
Under Armour: 8% Cash Back
Groupon: 6% Cash Back
American Eagle: 4% Cash Back
Kohl's: 6% Cash Back
Gap: 7% Cash Back

And literally hundreds of other stores! 

With Christmas fast approaching, Ebates is the perfect website to use for those of you looking to save some extra money. Show your parents... I guarantee that they will thank you for doing so. 

Heres How the Process Works....

How Ebates Works

Ebates as seen on CBS

So there you have it. Ebates is 100% legit and millions of people use it to save money while they shop online. Learn more about it here.

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