Warung Bebas

Selasa, 09 September 2014

Teens Make Money Listening to Music: Music Xray Review

Music Xray is a website that allows its users to listen to and review upcoming artists and receive cash rewards. Very similar to Slice the Pie, which I have reviewed in the past in terms of its usability and ability to make cash. Perfect for teens or college students looking to make some extra money online, Music Xray is an awesome program that I have been using in my spare time for the past view months. Click here to sign up and I will take you through the sign-up process:

  • After visiting the website you will click on the link "Sign Up For Free":

  • After clicking the link you will have the option to sign up with your Google, Facebook, Google and Soundcloud account OR by traditional means by picking your own username and password.

  • The next step is to select a "Music Fan" account where you will have the ability to listen to others music and get paid for it.

  • *Facebook is required for joining Music Xray. They will send you songs based on your music interests on your Facebook profile. Don't worry though, they will not post anything on your account without your consent.

  •  You can then select up to 5 additional musical genres in which you are interested in. Rather than picking obscure genres like "Books and Spoken" I would recommend selecting more popular styles like Pop, Country, Hip Hop, etc this way you will receive more opportunities to make money.

  •  After you select your musical genres you will receive emails with songs that you can listen to and get paid for listening to. 

While you will not get rich with this program, it is very easy to make yourself an extra $20 a month for doing very little work. Even if you do not enjoy the music that they send you, you can always mute your computer and still get paid. This program, along with Slice the Pie are great ways to make money online as a teen by listening to music. However, the perk to Music Xray is that you do not have to write a review on the songs you listen to, you only have to listen for at least 30 seconds in order to get paid! Best of luck to you all and let me know how you like it!

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