Minggu, 12 April 2015

Teens Make Money Testing Games

Looking to make some part-time income online while having fun at the same time? Well look no further. I recently came across an online game testing website that puts you in contact with companies that are looking for game testers to test up and coming video games. While it definitely helps to have some gaming experience, you can make an income with little to no experience.

Sign Up
First head on over to GameTesters.Net and click the sign-up button. Since this website is so popular you may not be able to register your first try because they only take a limited number of registrations each day. You then need to provide them with your gaming experience and gaming platform of choice.

What Your Earnings Depend On
Like all jobs, the more experience you have the more you will make. Don't be discouraged if you have little game testing experience though! If you start now as a teenager or college student you can find yourself making very good money testing games in a few years. Everyone needs to start somewhere. Also, since most of you will probably be working as temporary testers, you will not be making as much as those who are working in full-time positions. Testing games is a great part-time, after school or weekend job for students that are taking classes and looking to make some money in their spare time.

What to Expect
Game-Testers.Net will put you in contact with companies that are hiring game testers. Due to this, it will help if you have some experience and knowledge of the general gaming industry. You will often be testing games that have not been released yet and are in the works, so you will have to pass some sort of background test to ensure that you will be a trustworthy and hardworking employee. It always helps to have an updated resume too so get to work on that!

Nothing Guaranteed
Like any job, nothing can be guaranteed for game testers, especially part-time testers. The gaming industry is very volatile and can sometimes be in an upward trend with things going great, while other times in a downward trend where companies are laying off employees.

There you have it, theres not much to becoming a game tester and making yourself a decent income as a teen. It's a great way to spend 15-20 hours a week while making $15/hr and doing something that you love to do...playing video games! But it is a professional industry so you need to be courteous, hardworking and passionate about what you are doing, or else you will not get hired anywhere. So good luck and make money teens!

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