Warung Bebas

Jumat, 24 Juli 2009

CashCrate Check Proof : $200.13

Here is my most recent check for CashCrate. It is very possible for teens to make money online by taking paid surveys and referring others. To get started check out CashCrate today.

Senin, 20 Juli 2009

CashCrate Tutorial

If you have not done so yet, sign up at CashCrate

Once you click on the above link, you will be directed to CashCrate.

Sign Up:
make money online teens

Once you signed up you want to start earning, click on complete offers:

teens make money online

There are point offers, cash offers, and daily surveys. If you dont want to spend a dime on surveys, like me, then click on 100% free offers from the drop down menu.

There are many offers to pick from, so choose one that has a nice payout, and easy requirements.

how to make money online as a teen
Click on an offer and begin to fill it out:teens make money online with cashcrate

Once you are done, Click submit offer, and your offer will be submitted.

teens make money online
However much the offer was worth will now be pending. Pending credits usually take about an hour to be accepted and added to your account.

Survey Site Tips

TIPS for completing offers/surveys
- Use REAL information. Using fake names, addresses etc. will result in companies picking up on this and not providing credit for the offer/survey you completed.
-Make a seperate email for survey sites. When you complete offers the advertisers will probably send you junk emails. You wouldn't want this junk to clog up your real email address, so just make a seperate address.

-- Use different, valid e-mail addresses. In some companies they wont credit you for more than 1 of their surveys unless you have used a different e-mail address for each of their offers/surveys. You can use the same e-mail if you're doing offers from several different companies, but if you do more than 1 from a specific company, it is good to use different e-mails.
An easy way to get around this is by doing this.

Create a general e-mail such as jboi993@gmail.com When filling out different surveys you can use this same e-mail with periods added.
jbo.i993@gmail.com etc etc.

All messages will be sent to jboi993@gmail.com Pretty neat little trick.

- Clear your cookies between offers/surveys. To do this, in IE go to Tools ---> Internet Options ---> Delete ---> Delete cookies. In Firefox, go to Tools ---> Options ---> Cookies ---> Clear Cookies. Or you can just download CCleaner which clears your cookies.

- Complete the offer/survey in FULL. You cannot just open up the survey and fill out 1 page and then submit it for approval. You must complete it in it's entirety. It should be pretty obvious when the survey has ended. There might be a page that says "Thank you for participating", "Congratulations", "Thank you, your information has been received", or it may ask to confirm your email adress.

- Check your email for confirmation emails. Some companies, send you an email to validate your email address. The offer you completed will not credit unless you confirm your email.
Completing offers quickly

- Download Roboform. This progam is very VERY useful. It fills out all your information (name, adress, email, gender, age, etc) with the click of a button.

-Another neat trick with Roboform is bubbling in all of the "No's" in a survey. Sometimes you are presented with a long list of yes/no questions and to simply bubble in all "No's" hold Alt and press +. Saves you a lot of time on offers.

If you are still having difficulty or have any questions, please feel free to contact me at the following:

Sabtu, 18 Juli 2009

Blogging is The Key to Getting Referrals

Most of the time when people hear about paid online survey sites, they may either try it out for a couple minutes and then quit, or don't even try it out at all. Don't be like those people. If you are serious about making a lot of money on survey sites, like me, then stop being lazy and get to work. Heres a question for you, would you rather work for $8 an hour as a boring waiter, or would you rather have other people work for you and make thousands of dollars a month? If you are a normal person, then I am pretty sure that you picked choice B.

When individuals sign up for sites like CashCrate they go in thinking that they are about to make a couple hundred dollars with minimal work (I know I did). Once they realize that they are not about to make a lot of money by doing offers, they resort to the referral programs. They slap up a crappy, plagarized blog in 5 minutes and expect the referrals to start pouring in. LOL. Trust me, I was once an internet noob and I thought the exact same thing as you.

Once they wait a couple weeks and realize that their blog is not getting any traffic, they abandon that idea and head over to get paid to forums. They read about all the people who are making $20 a month and are ecstatic. If I make less than $20 A DAY then I am pretty ticked off. Once they read all of the terrible tips on the forum, they may join and add their referral link to their signature with some retarted saying like, "Join under me, and we can make money together!" Or "Click my link and I will show you how to make hundreds of dollars!!" Most of these people have probably never even gotten a referral and are flat out stupid when it comes to internet marketing. Some forums can get you a couple referrals, but not get paid to forums. Everyone on these forums is already signed up for these programs, so what would be the point in trying to refer them? Exactly, there is no point and it is a complete waste of time.

Then, once the typical teen realizes that the get paid to forums are not getting them any referrals they may start posting some ads in the online classifieds. Now I have used this method in the past and have had very limited success with it. They slap up a couple awful ads, with their referral link at the bottom, and say, "Sign up under me!" Do you honestly think that you are going to get a lot of referrals this way? No way! Now you may get a couple, but not nearly the amount that you could be getting.

DO NOT be like one of those people that abandon their blog after they do not get any referrals in the first couple of weeks. Write original content that offers unique help, and start getting some anchored backlinks. Spend a couple hours each week submitting your blog to directories, getting link exchanges, and writing articles. Over time, your blog will have develop a good page rank and you will be in the top of the search engines for your selected keywords. Blogs ARE the key to getting a lot of referrals and making tons of money on paid online survey sites like cashcrate. Keep at it, and don't be lazy!

Rabu, 15 Juli 2009

How to Get Backlinks

When most people join cashcrate or any other paid survey site they head right over to the forums to see how they can make more money. 100% of the members there say "hey, if you want some referrals you have to make a blog!" So thats what they do, they set out to blogger or word
press and make a blog hoping that it will bring them in referrals. 3 days later they may check back to see if they got any only to see that no one signed up under them. What went wrong?

99% of teens who join paid survey sites quit after they don't make enough money. So if you are a lazy person who does not want to work to make hunderds of dollars a month on survey sites, then this post is not for you. Gathering referrals takes a lot of time and effort so get ready to work. Paid Online Surveys For Money says that 80% of your time should be spent getting anchored backlinks to your blog while 20% should be spent creating content. The key to getting referrals is backlinks. You want your blog or site to come up on search engines in as many keywords as possible. What exactly is an anchored backlink? ESPN, right there.

Getting backlinks to your blog can be very boring and tedious work. You want as many one way anchored backlinks to your site as possible and try not to do link exchanges. When you do link exchanges most of the time you're just exchanging with another weak cashcrate blog who has awful if not any page rank on search engines. Also, in link exchanges all your really doing is sending google back and forth between the two pages which has no real benefit. However, if you can exchange links with a reputable site that has good page rank then that could become beneficial to you.

Now, what you want to get is one way anchored backlinks. This is the hard part. If you want to do link exchanges with another site, then the best way to do that is in a 3-way exchange. This way you're not sending google back and forth and the links have some quality. Here is an example.

John links to Mike

Mike links to Eric

Eric links back to John

The more blogs and site in which you have the easier that this is. And believe me, it can become rather hard to attain 3-way link exchanges so most people take the easier, more demanding path (weird, huh?)

1.) You need to comment on other, well-known blogs that share the same key words as yours. Use your blog and anchor text as the name. For example, Teens Make Money Online.....comment...

2.) Create another blog and link back to yours.

3.) Create a hubpage about making money online and link back to yours. Make sure your hubscore is above 75 though or the links will not be do-follow. You can achieve this by writing original content.

4.) Write an article on Associated Content and link back to your site with an anchored backlink.

5.) Create a Squidoo lens and link back to your blog.

6.) Add your blog to directories which can gain you backlinks.

Avoid link farms. A link farm has thousands of outgoing links, pointing to all kind of sites. Although they may sound great, google looks at them as a bad thing and they may actually hurt your seo.

Another way to get backlinks is to join forums and use your backlink in your signature. However, make sure that you are allowed to promote in your signature. You wouldn't want to get banned. Be an active part of the community and add valuable posts with your backlink in the signature.

Overall, this is how I, a 16 year old teen have been making hundreds of dollars with paid online survey sites each month. You have to work at it, and don't give up if you havent gotten a lot of referrals after the first few months. Given time, your site will gain good page rank and you will make LOADS with paid online surveys referral progams.

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