Kamis, 20 Agustus 2009

How I earned an easy $20 online

I was thinking I would spruce things up for everyone today.

The purpose of this blog is to show teens how they can make money online by taking paid online surveys and referring people. Now, taking the time to establish a blog and get good page rank may not be for those who just want to earn some extra cash and get on with it. If you are interested in earning a quick $20 then stick around.

I recently stumbled across a site called ImReportCard. The person who referred me insisted to me that I could earn the 20 bucks in under an hour and a half so I checked it out. There, you get paid to write comments, grade and rate all of the gpt sites that are on the internet (like cashcrate). It's a great site to check out if you are interested in joining a program on the internet, because they have tons of reviews, but the fact that you get paid makes it that much better.

At ImReportCard they say that you will receive your payment within 24 hours of cashing out. After I met payout I cashed out at 10:23 pm on August 17. I check my paypal account at 2:39 pm on August 18 to find I had already been paid.

So if you want to earn an extra $20, I suggest that your join ImReportCard today! Click the banner below. Well, I will continue to write about making money with paid online surveys and how to refer people I just thought I would show everyone how I made the easiest 20 doll-hairs of my life, (haha ever seen dumb and dumber?)

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