Rabu, 19 Agustus 2009

How to Get Cashcrate Survey Referrals By Using Your Blog

Like I said in the previous post, there is no traffic in the word "cashcrate". No traffic means no referrals which is no fun. Keep that in mind at all times when you are making referrals for paid online survey sites.

It is actually a lot easier to make a blog about teens making money online than cashcrate. When you write about cashcrate all you can really write about is the FAQ, when you will get paid, the referral program, basically all of the stuff that literally EVERYONE writes about when making a cashcrate blog. However when you write about teens making money online people will want to read it and find out if it really is possible to make money online as a teen.

I recently bought some ad space on a couple get paid to forums. I spent over $50 only to have only a couple people sign up under me. Can you say waste of money? I thought I was getting a great deal, something like 100,000 page views for only $25. Well, it turned out to be a bad deal as I only got $5 out of it. So I am telling you now, get off forums, stop wasting money on buying adspace and don't make stupid business cards. Make a blog! You will get referrals.

I've told you before, and I will tell you again that the only efficient way to get referrals for paid online survey sites is to make a blog and get some backlinks. Eventually, if done correctly your blog will be on the first page of google and you will be making well over $500 a month. Here is an example to show you how making a blog is pretty much the only way to get a lot of referrals.

The guy running paid online surveys for money has been making thousands of dollars a month alone on cashcrate. Don't believe me? Check out this massive cashcrate proof of payment.

Do you think he made this much by putting his referral link in a forum signature and writing a bunch of posts on stupid forums. No way! He made this by making a grade-a blog and getting a lot of backlinks to it. This guy can now even make well over $2,000 a month which is very impressive. This check motivated me, and should motivate you to get off your butt and get to work on your blog.

The only way to get high amounts of referrals is to get targeted traffic to your blog from search engines. Target a specific keyword, i.e. teens make money online. When people search how to make money money online as a teen, they usually only click on the links on the first page. Target the people who need to make some extra money (like teens) and go after them.

I am going to continue to stress on the importance of making a blog and targeting people who need money on this blog. I know how easy it is to give up on something as a teen, considering I am one. But, if you really put your mind to it and start to work at it you could be making huge amounts and really could be making money online as a teen!

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