Selasa, 08 Desember 2009

Make money for Christmas

With Christmas coming up and the economy the way it is right now, people will have a tough time buying presents for their loved ones. What if I could tell you that you could earn some extra money today, without being scammed out of your time, effort and most importantly money. GPT sites like Cashcrate allow you to earn some extra money by completing free surveys and referring other members. I'm not saying that you are about to earn $1,000 like that,...

Rabu, 30 September 2009

Why are referrals so beneficial to making money online as a teen?

As a teen, I know that it can be very tough to get a job in the current economic situation. Adults without a job are taking anything that pays, including part-time jobs like being a waiter, fast food joints, etc. That's why teens everywhere have been flocking to get paid to sites like mad for the past couple of years. There is a lot of money to be made in the industry, and if you have the will and...

Selasa, 22 September 2009

Recap on how to make money online as a teen

Okay, hello everyone. Chances are that if you are reading this post you are a teen looking to make some money online. If you are than you are at the right place, if not I don't know what you're doing here.. Trust me though, don't expect to start making a couple thousands dollars here and there. Making good money online takes hard work and effort, but it is definitely manageable. However, if you are just looking to make a couple extra bucks each month...

Minggu, 13 September 2009

CashCrate Question and Answer for Teens

First off, if you arrived at this blog via a search engine check out my cashcrate proof of payment for $476.55. If you are a teen and are looking for a ways to make legit money online than this is the site for you. Okay, so today I thought I would answer a couple questions I have been receiving from teens lately about CashCrate and ways to make money online.1.) I have been scammed before, what makes...

Senin, 07 September 2009

Paid Online Surveys - CashCrate is the best for teens

As mentioned in recent posts, teens often cannot make money online because they are so darn lazy and give up 99% percent of the time after not making a lot of money. But, what about that 1%? What happens to them? They write good content on their blog, get anchored backlinks by writing articles, hubpages, and submitting their blogs to web directories. Things that don't take a lot of time, but...

Rabu, 02 September 2009

How to make some extra money for school as a teen

School is coming soon (too soon) for all of us. With school comes all of the essential items that us teens need to have, from clothes, to ipods and textbooks. But, in the current economic situation jobs are few and far between. In this post I will show you how to make some money for school as a teen.If you are looking for a legitimate after school job, then I suggest you check out

Sabtu, 22 Agustus 2009

Making money online as a teen is hard work

Most of the time when a teen joins a paid survey site to make money online they try out a couple offers and think, "Boy, I'm not making nearly enough!" Thats because there is no program on the internet that just generates you automatic income. If there was, then everyone in the world would be loaded. Getting referrals out of paid online survey sites takes time and there is not one method that instanly...

Kamis, 20 Agustus 2009

How I earned an easy $20 online

I was thinking I would spruce things up for everyone today. The purpose of this blog is to show teens how they can make money online by taking paid online surveys and referring people. Now, taking the time to establish a blog and get good page rank may not be for those who just want to earn some extra cash and get on with it. If you are interested in earning a quick $20 then stick around.I recently...

Rabu, 19 Agustus 2009

How to Get Cashcrate Survey Referrals By Using Your Blog

Like I said in the previous post, there is no traffic in the word "cashcrate". No traffic means no referrals which is no fun. Keep that in mind at all times when you are making referrals for paid online survey sites.It is actually a lot easier to make a blog about teens making money online than cashcrate. When you write about cashcrate all you can really write about is the FAQ, when you will get...

Jumat, 14 Agustus 2009

Keywords ARE Key

When most teens start a blog for paid online surveys they focus on the word "cashcrate" or "fusion cash". They start a dull blog with weak posts and pray that their blog will start to get some good traffic.I am telling you now that you should not focus on cashcrate when starting a blog. The key to getting a lot of referrals if getting good page rank on google for unique keywords. People who search...

Kamis, 13 Agustus 2009

Why CashCrate?

If you have been reading my posts you may have noticed that I always refer to CashCrate when talking about paid online survey sites. There are many reasons for that and I will briefly explain why it is such a great way for teens to make money online.CashCrate is simply the best when it comes to paid online survey sites. They are free to join, have hundreds of offers (free and trials) being updated...

Senin, 10 Agustus 2009

Why you should start taking paid online surveys

Teens everywhere are always asking there parents for some extra money to buy the new hot trends. The conversations are almost always identical. Kid: "Mom, could I have some money? I am going to the mall." Mom: "Get a job." Now most of you, like myself, do not have enough time for an official after school job. Balancing out time for school, sports, activities and friends is already hard enough as it...

Selasa, 04 Agustus 2009

How to Get Referrals for Paid Online Survey Sites

If you want to make a lot of money on paid survey sites as a teen, the secret is getting referrals. They take time and effort but if done correctly you can make THOUSANDS of dollars each month on these sites from referrals alone. Try out the methods below to get started.1. The top and number one way to get referrals for paid survey sites is by making a website or blog with useful information and promoting...

Jumat, 24 Juli 2009

CashCrate Check Proof : $200.13

Here is my most recent check for CashCrate. It is very possible for teens to make money online by taking paid surveys and referring others. To get started check out CashCrate tod...

Senin, 20 Juli 2009

CashCrate Tutorial

If you have not done so yet, sign up at CashCrateOnce you click on the above link, you will be directed to CashCrate.Sign Up:Once you signed up you want to start earning, click on complete offers: There are point offers, cash offers, and daily surveys. If you dont want to spend a dime on surveys, like me, then click on 100% free offers from the drop down menu.There are many offers to pick from, so...

Survey Site Tips

TIPS for completing offers/surveys - Use REAL information. Using fake names, addresses etc. will result in companies picking up on this and not providing credit for the offer/survey you completed. -Make a seperate email for survey sites. When you complete offers the advertisers will probably send you junk emails. You wouldn't want this junk to clog up your real email address, so just make a seperate...

Sabtu, 18 Juli 2009

Blogging is The Key to Getting Referrals

Most of the time when people hear about paid online survey sites, they may either try it out for a couple minutes and then quit, or don't even try it out at all. Don't be like those people. If you are serious about making a lot of money on survey sites, like me, then stop being lazy and get to work. Heres a question for you, would you rather work for $8 an hour as a boring waiter, or would you rather...

Rabu, 15 Juli 2009

How to Get Backlinks

When most people join cashcrate or any other paid survey site they head right over to the forums to see how they can make more money. 100% of the members there say "hey, if you want some referrals you have to make a blog!" So thats what they do, they set out to blogger or wordpress and make a blog hoping that it will bring them in referrals. 3 days later they may check back to see if they got any...

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